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2015 DVNR – Saturday/Reward Mine

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Saturday. Today I’m going to lead a nice simple ride up to Reward Mine. Noobs welcome! Big Bike friendly!

We started out with 60 miles of slab. Given that I’m on a DR350 that wasn’t such a quick ride. I only feel comfortable up to about 60 with its current gearing, that runs me at 6000 rpm and gives me a little headroom in case I need to escape.

Group shot at the sign on 190.

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2015 DVNR – Friday/Darwin Toll Road

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I got up at 7 and stumbled over to PSR for their breakfast buffet. It is nice not to mess with making breakfast nor having to clean up the dishes. After breakfast I tended camp a little bit and planned my kickstand repair operation (i.e. I procrastinated).

Good place to procrastinate.

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2015 DVNR – Thursday/Saline Valley

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By Thursday morning I decided to scrap my planned Goler / Mengal run and go back out there to mess with the repeater, this time on the motorcycle. Once again Henry joined me and this time Tony/tonyj joined us on his new 640. While Henry rode down to the springs for testing with a known-good radio Tony and I rode over to Hunter Cabin. Tony had never stopped there so I figured I could show him something new.

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2015 Death Valley Noobs Rally – Getting There / Setting Up

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The ADVRider Death Valley Noobs Rally. One of the highlights of my year.

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