About this Site

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Welcome to ADVLifestyle.com

As the name suggests this site is centered around the Adventure Lifestyle.  While there are many sites of this nature dedicated to particular flavors of adventure I’ve created this as a catch-all site; expect to see four-wheeled, three-wheeled, two-wheeled, and no-wheeled adventures here.  Expedition exploration with 4x4s and trailers in Utah, dual sport motorcycle riding in Death Valley, backpacking in the Sierras, rock crawling in Johnson Valley, and more are all welcome here.

We will start with my exploits, in the future perhaps we’ll have some additional authors as well.

The jerk behind the site:

I’ve been interested in outdoor adventure for as long as I can remember.  From my first backpacking trip in 1985 to the acquisition of my first Jeep Cherokee in 1998 I’ve been getting out whenever and however possible.  Now that I’m older and have children my goal is to get myself and them out at least once a month, be it a large, sexy, trip or a simple day-trip doing volunteer work in local national forests.

I have two Jeep Cherokees, an off-road cargo trailer, and a Kawasaki KLR-650 dual sport motorcycle.  Depending on the goal I’ll use any combination of the above vehicles.

Well, that’s all for now, I hope you enjoy the site.

One comment on “About this Site

  1. Thanks for the site! Stumbled on it searcing for sprocket information. I have a 2008 KLR 650. I appreciate your calculator !

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